Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Welcome to the site of my upcoming project:


Voices of the River

This is a project I've been working on in bits and pieces for several years, but now I've finally got everything I need to power my way through this. I hope to have it done within a year or so. 

Altrazan is the fusion of my two favorite things: "Comics" and "Animation." It will be an online html hosted story, half graphic novel, half movie clips and animated GIFs. In other words: We're going to "Watch a Comicbook".... Or is that "Read a Movie?"

I call it: The Interactive Graphic Novel.

The point in all of this is to essentially create a movie out of a web-comic; A little bit of animation in the comics, a little bit of comic-book in the animation.

What kind of movie? My favorite of course... the Animated Feature Film. In other words, I'm making a "Disney Movie" with the same kind of story, artwork, characters, composition, even right down to the characters actually, breaking into song on occasion. That's right. I'm going all in on this.

Interested? Stay TOONED

Check out Altrazan on Pinterest:                               Like our Facebook Page: 

Monday, June 15, 2015


Altrazan made it's first public appearance last weekend, 

at the Multiverse-AVL GeekOut 2015 Comic convention.

We dropped in at UNCA in Asheville, NC and set up a table.

A lot of cool people in costume...

...and a LOT of great vendors.

Brian Rathbone,
Andy Smithson,
M.R. Mathias
Fantasy Novels.

Mourning Daily Comicbooks and Graphic Novels

Crion's Customs - Steampunk model weapons
Usually when you see a sign that says: "Guns for Sale", t
he inventory's probably not going to look like this going

i.r. Harris books - Epic Fantasy Novels

Ian Lenio Graphic Design & Illustration
And in this case T-Shirts.

Ashebots Youth Robotics

Kingdom of Atlantia, non-profit historical society

Retro Steam & Sweet Rocket Sky Studios
Another weapon maker.
These guys use actual blown glass in some of their works.

Day or the Doodles - I love these people. Great fan artwork.

And right next to me was Simply Nerdtastic. The best smelling booth at the con.
Soaps, Scrubs, & Bath Scents in the nerdiest possible way.

Oh yeah, Kit the Car was there too. He didn't say much... 
...but he was there helping people charge their batteries.

If you were at my booth and got a custom cartoon sketch from me, why not post it on our facebook or twitter page?
Or share it on Pinterest. #Cartoonicus